A Birthday Letter to Our Two-Year-Old

A Birthday Letter to Our Two-Year-Old

The weather is beautiful today (high 80s and sunny) and it’s a very special occasion. It’s Rowan’s 2nd birthday! She loves singing “Happy Birthday”, but I’m not sure she understands today is her birthday! To keep tradition, we filled her room with balloons and she loves waking up to see them scattered across the floor. It will keep her busy for days! We also sang “Happy Birthday” at lunch and she started bawling just a few seconds in… Welcome to 2!

To our littlest love on your birthday,

And just like, you’re TWO! There are so many things we love about you at this age, but here are the things we hope to never forget.

It’s our favorite to see you cover your mouth when you laugh out loud! You’re full of joy and I hope you never lose this happiness.

You say “hold you” when you want to be held, “rocky” when you want us to rock you, and “blush you” any time we sneeze (or cough). Hearing you say these words is so sweet! You also call yourself “Rowie” and although I haven’t been a big fan of nicknames for you, this one stuck.

I just noticed the other day that itty bitty freckles are popping up on your nose! You look so much like your daddy, but this is definitely one of your mama’s traits. Just remember that freckles are angle kisses and make you special!

With a baby brother or sister joining our family soon, we hope you always feel loved because you’ll forever be our little girl.

So much love and big hugs,

Mom & Dad


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