5 Tips for Organization in the New Year

5 Tips for Organization in the New Year

Resolving to be organized (and stay organized) is always a good idea! I promise life is less hectic when your home isn’t in shambles and you have space to just breathe! It’s also a good feeling when you have your day planned out with a sense of productivity verses trying to remember what’s next. I’m practicing these things too, friend, and here’s what I’ve found helpful that I want to share with you!

1) An App for Staying on Track

I’m a list person. I like making note of my to-dos so I can lose that thought in my head for the time being. I used to create one run-on calendar event in my phone that listed all of the tasks I needed to get done the following day, then I’d delete text from the one event as I completed them. It was a horrible system! Recently, I downloaded a free app by Google called Tasks. It lets me create lists with options to add details, date and time, and sub folders. There’s also a feature that moves completed tasks to a category that you can refer back to. Check it out!


2) A New Habit You Won’t Regret

My biggest advice to anyone is to purge anything that hasn’t been touched in the past 6+ months. When in doubt, get rid of it. It’s essential to purge in order to be organized! I keep a bag in my closet to toss things into regularly and donate when it’s filled up.

3) Start with a Clean Slate

My favorite way to organize is to pull everything out and sort through it as you put it back. For spaces like a pantry, be sure to combine what you can and remove items from packaging to create space and avoid overbuying.


4) A Cleaning Schedule that Saves Your Sanity

I like a tidy house, but I feel like I’m constantly cleaning. Any hand raises? I’ve learned to create a schedule and stick to it. For example, if I clean the bathroom counters and hubby shaves the next day (leaving behind traces of facial hair), I don’t jump to clean the counter again. I just leave it knowing I’ll be cleaning again in two weeks. Otherwise, I’m always cleaning! My cleaning schedule:

  • Bi-weekly: Clean the bathrooms and kitchen

  • Weekly: Vacuum and mop the floors throughly

  • Occasionally (or as needed): Dust around the house and wash bed sheets


5) Organize with Baskets

You can’t have enough baskets. As a matter of fact, I wrote a post on The Many Uses for Baskets in Your Home. It’s the best solution for organizing, especially for keeping family members organized too. For example, we have a small basket of Rowan’s toys in our bedroom (our room is opposite her room), and she knows to put her toys back in the basket whenever she’s done playing.


I hope you found these tips helpful! And just remember, give yourself grace on the inevitable days where it feels like it’s all falling apart.

Sending so much love in this new year!

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